Barabási–Albert model

A student is making some simulations about a Barabási–Albert model with different preferential attachment conditions. He is analyzing a particular network model for different scenarios for α=[0, 0.35, 1, 1.6]

When the model is in the superlinear attachment, he found that kmax is 20 at the time t0=5. However, when the model is the linear phase at the time 49 kmax is 28 and when the time is 289, kmax=68, find the degree exponent γ He is using.
when the model is the sublinear phase at time t0, kmax=2, find kmax at the time 824.
  1. γ=2.5 , kmax=18

  2. γ=3 , kmax=19

  3. γ=2.5 , kmax=19

  4. γ=3, kmax=18

  5. None of the above.

Original idea by: Alexander Valle Rey


  1. Sorry, Alex, your question is too confusing. The degree exponent is the same for all experiments? I guess you are giving data for alpha=1.6 (superlinear preferential attachment), and for alpha=1 (linear preferential attachment). The reader must then find gamma, and answer another question for sublinear preferential attachment, but there I don't know whether you mean alpha=0 or 0.35. Perhaps this can be decided from the info you provide for the sublinear case?


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